The Dragonian’s Witch, Ljudbok

av Meg Xuemei X
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He abducts me to find his fated mate, unaware that I am she. I am Freyja, the First Witch. I was born with a cruel curse: anyone I touch with my bare skin will die an agonizing death. That is, until a formidable, drop-dead gorgeous Dragonian prince invades my forest home. The prince's lust burns hot and bright for me, yet he resists, wanting his destined witch more. The oracle promises the witch will be his true queen and bring him the greatest kingdom on Earth. Knowing he's the only man who can touch me, I crave his scorching caress. But I've sworn never to reveal that I am the witch. Not until he chooses me above her. When the mating frenzy drives both of us to the brink of insanity, someone has to give in, but it won't be me.    Meg Xuemei X is a paranormal and fantasy romance writer from Los Angeles, California. She is a USA Today and Amazon Charts bestselling author. Her work includes the "Half-Blood Academy" series, the "War of the Gods" series, and "The First Witch" series.

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Isbn 9788726576238
Förlag Saga Egmont
Utgivningsdatum 5 okt. 2020
Typ Ljudbok
Format Mp3 - korta avsnitt
Mp3 - en fil
Språk Engelska
Längd 04:51:31
Read by Kate Marcin