Practical Organization Design: Effective organizations via a structured Management System, E-bok

av Jan Olsson
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This book is a source for inspiration to managers and organization designers. It describes how internal structures of an organization can be designed to enable sustainable success in a constantly changing environment. The book helps the reader to understand how to do the design of an organization. It integrates organizational theories with hands-on and practical approaches in how to get the work done.

Most organizations have a great potential to improve performance and market success if they apply a systematic approach to organization design. Elements in the internal structure have to work together and interact with customers and other external stakeholders. Sustainable efficiency can be achieved if we build effective organizations by the design of a structured Management System.

This book describes a systematic approach in the development of a Management Systems. It explains how the design of business logic is done in a Management System Architecture. The book then describes how this Architecture is transformed into a practical implementation by using seven Management System Building Blocks.
•    Purpose
•    Organization Structure
•    Process & Rules
•    Governing
•    Plans
•    Records
•    Deliverables

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The author, Jan Olsson, has 25 years of experience developing Management Systems for different kinds of organizations, as a consultant and as a Quality Manager. Latest 25 years of his carrier have been dedicated to process development, balanced scorecards, document management, business development, building management system for global companies and business units as well as managing global ISO auditing programs. Jan Olsson is today a Senior Management Consultant, ISO Management System Auditor, Lecturer and Author.

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Isbn 9789175698045
Förlag Books on Demand
Utgivningsdatum 4 aug. 2015
Typ E-bok
Format Epub med vattenmärkning
Språk Engelska