Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit

av Jeanette Winterson
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Jeanette is adopted and brought up by her mother as one of God's elect. Zealous and passionate, she seems destined for life as a missionary, but then she falls for one of her converts. At sixteen, Jeanette decides to leave the church, her home and her family, for the young woman she loves.

SKU 9780099598183

Beskrivning / Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit

eanette is adopted and brought up by her mother as one of God's elect. Zealous and passionate, she seems destined for life as a missionary, but then she falls for one of her converts. At sixteen, Jeanette decides to leave the church, her home and her family, for the young woman she loves.

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Isbn 9780099598183
Förlag Random House UK
Utgivningsdatum 4 sep. 2014
Typ Bok
Format Pocket
Språk Engelska
Antal sidor 224
Författare Jeanette Winterson