Make money buy gold: Safest and best investment strategy in the world: Safest and best investment strategy in the world, E-bok

av R Baijers
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In this book you will learn how to apply what to me is easiest and least risk taking long term saving strategy.

This book will help you save money in the way you probably never thought about.

Make your money work for you with the least risk possible!

And the best way about it, you will allways be in controll!

In this book you will learn not only how to make yourself save more money, but you will also be making bigger return on your savings and you will risk less then if you chose to keep your money in a bank.

Minimum effort and a little discipline is all you need in order to save, make and preserve your wealth. This book will show you the rest!

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Mer information:

Isbn 9789176994986
Förlag Books on Demand
Utgivningsdatum 1 mars 2017
Typ E-bok
Format Epub med vattenmärkning
Språk Engelska