Garrulous Ego Trip Gang: Tale of woe in African intellectualism, E-bok

av Metuge Ekane
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THE LACK of trans?guration in low-impact African academia with regards to cultivated and insensate academics is largely accountable for Africa’s incapacity to reinvent, transform, and redeem the material condition of the African people. Although this project is essentially a tale of woe regarding the largely unresponsive African academia, it is also methodical in its orientation in a measure to divulge the sub rosa and hegemonic regimes which preclude objective rationality in African intellectualism. Trans?guration is a prerequisite to transformation. The conceptual idea is that responsiveness and transformation are essentially about the pursuit of relative gains. In Africa, transformation can only be achieved when African people start observing Africa through African lenses. This project is intended for researchers and students of Africa as they would be introduced to introspective intuition as a fundamental framework for societal remediation.

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Mer information:

Isbn 9789178515998
Förlag Books on Demand
Utgivningsdatum 4 nov. 2019
Typ E-bok
Format Epub med vattenmärkning
Språk Engelska
Längd 0