eHair and Colour, E-bok

av Lars Dahlstrand
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eHair and Colour

is the English version of the Swedish hairdressing textbook Hår och färg. These titles are also used professionally, e.g. as reference books in hairdressing salons.

Our aim is to raise hairdressing from a collection of examples to a set of general guidelines that will enable hairdressers to express their artistery and creativeness, make it easy for them to deal with new developments and work with any colour altering product on the market.

In the D&D colour system we coordinate manufacturers´ colour charts with the modern NCS (natural colour system).

We are convinced that the pedagogical principle: observe, test and reflect is the best way to learn. In other words: learning by doing.

We go on to describe colour theory, hair colours, colour altering treatments, semi-permanent colouring, oxidation treatmentys, oxidation colouring, bleaching treatments special treatments and work environment. Work technique is treated in separate chapters.

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Mer information:

Isbn 9789186336455
Förlag D&D Förlag
Utgivningsdatum 9 maj 2014
Typ E-bok
Format PDF med vattenmärkning
Språk Engelska
Serie D&D_eHair_and_colour