Animals, E-bok

av Pia Lebsund
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Module 1,2,3 is my pedagogic tool in autism that I started up 1995 with another name. The Basics in autism or Grundteknik för barn och ungdomar med autism. The first module is senses and I wrote already books as Sensory stimulation and Water. Here is another one in seeing, maybe playing with some of these animals. You can also train social skills at restaurants eating it and as sensor stimulation. Food is a new book coming soon.

I started as a budget planner in free time activities for Schools in Stockholm and found that kids in autism didn’t get their free time activities as normal kids. I started a pilot research that showed it and from there coached other communities as Huddinge, Täby and Vallentuna. I wrote the basics in Autism and started research in Autism 1997 after the computer program Vardag med Benji och polare, everyday with Benji and his pals that I designed, painted and programmed in visual Basic and C+ for five year's. Some Java and C+ I paid a programmer to make.
I was a handicap politician in Stockholm’s community and county from 1997 to december 2006.

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Isbn 9789174638318
Förlag Books on Demand
Utgivningsdatum 21 aug. 2015
Typ E-bok
Format Epub med vattenmärkning
Språk Engelska