Law and language: Words and context in Swedish and EU tax laws , E-bok

av Björn Forssén
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Law and language: Words and context in Swedish and EU tax laws is a follow-up to The Making of Tax Laws – Law and Language issues, which was an edited offprint of Part D of The Entrepreneur and the Making of Tax Laws – A Swedish Experience of the EU law: Second edition – both published in 2015.

In this book the author goes further with the law and language issues concerning tax law by presenting the summary and concluding viewpoints from his suggestion of how research on such issues may be conducted regarding The Making of Tax Laws as a branch within the field of fiscal sociology, namely from Ord och kontext i EU-skatterätten: En analys av svensk moms i ett law and language-perspektiv – published in 2016.

Finally he comments in this book those experiences in relationship to some questions in The Entrepreneur and the Making of Tax Laws – A Swedish Experience of the EU law: Second edition. Thus, this book makes a continuation to that book and its Part D, i.e. it also makes a follow-up to The Making of Tax Laws – Law and Language issues. The follow-up by this book means a completion of the previously presented law and language perspective on the process of The Making of Tax Laws by the presentation of the summary and concluding viewpoints concerning examples building an empirical study of that process and the comments in relation thereto of some questions from The Entrepreneur and the Making of Tax Laws – A Swedish Experience of the EU law: Second edition.

Mr. Björn Forssén is a Swedish Doctor of Laws.

For more info about this book and other books on Pedagogiskt Forum Skatt (Pedagogy Forum Tax), see

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Mer information:

Isbn 9789176152294
Förlag Melker Förlag
Utgivningsdatum 5 apr. 2017
Typ E-bok
Format PDF med vattenmärkning
Språk Svenska
Cover design Göran Waldt